Sunday 9 May 2010

No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life

A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking


Today, I thought it would be fitting to write a post about the strongest woman I know.
Growing up I never realized how much my mom had on her plate.  She made me miracle soup when I was sick,  laughed at my jokes, held my hand as I crossed the street and spanked my behind when I was out of line.  She was good cop, bad cop and everything in between.
My mom was really young when she had me. I was born after her 22nd birthday and by the time she was 24 she had two children. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like!
There were times in elementary school when she would stop by my classroom, dressed so fancy for her job as a fragrance model, and the other kids would ask, amazed, “Is that your mom? She’s so pretty!”
As a little girl I would watch her hands as she drove. Her fingers looked so long and skinny. To this day I catch myself looking at my own fingers on the steering wheel, comparing them to hers.
My mom has always stood up for what’s fair and has instilled that value in me. If I feel that myself or someone close to me is getting unreasonable treatment, I have never hesitated to address the situation. Of course, when I was young I used this on trivial issues…but as I’ve matured I’ve come to see the benefit to myself and others of knowing when an issue needs to be dealt with.

These are just a few of the many things that I love and appreciate about my mom. Luckily I’m able to share them with her now and thank her for the sacrifices she made, the knowledge she gave and the love she provides. I now see that, in itself, is a blessing and I need to not take it for granted.
As soon as I was out on my own, paying bills, going to work, living with roommates and getting home whenever I wanted, it didn’t take long to realize how much my mom taught me.  Had it not been for her teaching me how to cook, pleading with me to clean my room, frightening me into making good grades, and most importantly getting on her knees and praying for me every night…I wouldn’t be who I am now.
It’s crazy how much we take for granted as children…and even as young adults.  I’m 33 now and still to this day I am learning life’s little lessons and calling my mama as soon as times get tough.  And just as she’s done every day since I can remember, she’s ready– armed with a warm smile, a big hug, and an encouraging word.  She protected me from things that were life-threatening, but let me fall sometimes just so I could learn how to pick myself up.  She patiently stood by my side, when Lord knows I didn’t always make it easy.  She showed me how to love, encouraged me to follow my heart, and taught me where to pull strength from when life seemed too much to bear.
So this Mother’s Day, take time to reflect on the good times you’ve shared with your mom (or mother-figure).  If you are blessed to still have her in your life…Thank her for helping to make you the person you are today. And mom, if you one day read this, you are my rock and I love you for all that you’ve done and all that you continue to do to make me stronger.
Our phone conversations usually led to chit chats about our lives, relatives, and existing struggles, and through it all mom always shared her positive outlooks on life. I always came off the phone feeling rebooted and ready to take on the world like the Energizer bunny that could keep going.

To The Mother Every Daughter Hopes For
You are my cushion when I fall.
Your love is unconditional.
You made our house a happy place to be.
You love me more than anyone.
I trust you . . . you never lie.
Even when you are angry, your eyes still say they love me.
Your warmth and love make me grow . . .
every day.
You always forgive me.
Whenever I need you, you’re always there.
If I could, I would give you anything in the whole world.


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  2. Hi Somya,

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